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Orchid Flowers

Privacy & Security

Plumeria Flower

What is privacy and security in a digital context?

Privacy and security is when you keep your data in any of your devices private and secure. If you don’t make it private or secure, you can get hacked by other people using the social media app.

Plumeria Flower
privacy and security.jfif

How can we demonstrate a Christian worldview through this characteristic?

- As a Christian, it has been told that we should be careful of what is out there in the world. You may never know when someone is going to steal or hack something from your social media. So you must keep your account secure and private.

Orchid Flowers

Psalms 122:7


"May there be peace within your walls

   and security within your citadels.”  

Plumeria Flower
Orchid Flowers

What are 3 ways to demonstrate positive digital citizenship with regard to this characteristic?

- We should never expose any personal information to the world

- Keep your account private

- Make sure that your password isn’t easy to guess.

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 What are 3 ways to demonstrate negative digital citizenship with regard to this characteristic?

- We hack into somebody’s account

- We share too much personal information

- We expose our passwords to the world.

Plumeria Flower
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